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Waiting. Patiently waiting. Imagine the one person that you were made for is waiting patiently for you. Something is holding you back from going to your one and only to make love by making a life together. Circumstances create time and distance which results in simply occupying your space expectantly until you are free to go to your lover. This scenario is mine. My betrothed is Bryan Armstrong, who is not able to come for me quite yet. I cannot go to him, either. We have certain roles to fulfill until our duty is complete. In the Fall of 2015 we will be free to Unite. Until then, we celebrate the fat that Yah took me from Bryan's rib and made me for him. One day, Yah will reunite us and we will be One Flesh! Meanwhile, I resonate to songs like Warrior by Matisyahu: Reunite them Return the princess to her King Reunite them, She’s been taken for so long Reunite them, Then she’ll be filled with joy Reunite them Like the days of her youth! I imagine the truth constantly... that my lover is our savior, Messiah Yahshua. And now that I know how easy it is to wait for a man like Bryan, someone so loving even from afar, I am finding it harder to wait for Yahshua to return. Why is that?

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CHAYAH | | Love + Faith = Peace, 963 El Camino Rd Waxahachie , TX , 75167 USA | Phone 8176293888

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