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Running Swiftly to Love


Love is Full of Wonderful Colour by The Icicle Works "My friend and I were talking one evening Beside some burning wood Trading tales of places we came upon When the times were good He spoke of a girl he viewed like no other Whom he had come to know I swallowed hard and listened intently Resigned, beside the glow… Always there it’s standing proudly When all else falls down It’s all around you Didn’t it find you When you said It couldn’t be found? When love calls me I will be running swiftly to find out Just what all the fuss is all about. Unrelentless, Deep in the strangest feelings, Believe me, Love is full of wonderful colour. I insist that you picked the wrong one To preach that fear is true. Simmer down. We’ll run for a reason To see What faith can do. Love is a beacon on the horizon Watch when you touch down. Reality finds you Fumbling for reasons When the chance comes round. When love calls me I will be running swiftly to find out Just what all the fuss is all about. Unrelentless, Deep in the strangest feelings, Believe me, Love is full of wonderful colour. When love calls me I will be running swiftly to find out Just what all the fuss is all about. Unrelentless, Deep in the strangest feelings, Believe me, Love is full of wonderful colour. Take my confidence to guide you. Fools have fallen; look beside you. Love is full of wonderful colour. Take my confidence to guide you. Fools have fallen; look beside you. Love is full of wonderful colour." Thoughts from Melissa: When I was 14 this band’s music was what I sang aloud while driving my mom’s bright red Fiat Spider with the top down! At the time I had not been called to give my life to the Lover of my soul. He waited a long time. But I had already made profession with my mouth — as a teenager singing along with such happy music — that I would answer the call when it came. Thank Yah He sent Yahshua to hold my heart! For Yah is Love, and absolutely He is full of wonderful colour! WooHoo! Wanna know more about His colors? Visit and turn up the jams! The Icicle WorksLove is a Wonderful ColourYou need Flash Player in order to view this.

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CHAYAH | | Love + Faith = Peace, 963 El Camino Rd Waxahachie , TX , 75167 USA | Phone 8176293888

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